Tuesday, March 1, 2011

March Madness (title stolen from Kira)

So I didn't take another pregnancy test today, because frankly, I'm tired of the emotions of feeling like my body says one thing, tests say another, but sometimes my body agrees with the tests then all of a sudden it pivots back.

I'm Judy (Jewdy) Moody these days - not sure why. Either PMS hormones, or pregnancy hormones, or missing my boyfriend who is out of town, or hating my job (which I do, seriously, hate), or financial stress, or maybe just because my eyes are tired while I'm waiting for my new glasses to come in. Really, it could be a combination of anything.

So I'm trying to be good to myself today, to cheer myself up. I have a massage scheduled this morning (I have a wicked knot in my left trap), and I'm going to the gym at 5:30 (because the days when I am too grumpy to work out are precisely the days when I should work out). And then I'll go to my fantastic coworking office tonight and try to do some writing.

On the upside, rationally, by the time we know for sure I'm not pregnant, only two weeks until we can start trying again! And, in those weeks, I can drink wine ;-) See? there are upsides to everything ;-)

An "article" I saw posted on facebook today, for anyone interested:
Riding while pregnant

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