Thursday, March 3, 2011

Reasons Why I Hate Today

1) The plumber said he was coming at 8 am, so I woke up at 7 am, and by the time I left the house at 8:45 for my class at the gym, he still had not shown up.

2) I had a huge stack of papers I needed to be scanned onto a CD at Kinko's, at $10/disc plus $0.89/page, and I gave the girl the first document, and she put it onto one disc, then told me she had to charge me separately for each disc because she didn't realize I needed the entire stack of papers scanned. Why else would I be holding them, organizing them, on the counter? I argued her, and she only charged me for 1 CD. But still. Seriously.

3) A girl was on the phone, and stopped to have her very serious conversation right in front of the door at Kinko's, blocking my exit. So I pushed the door open past her, and she fell off balance. Who stops to talk blocking an entire public doorway?

4) My pro bono client now owes me $235 that I have paid out of my own pocket, not to mention the $15,000 in free services I have given her. And she never fucking pays. I'm losing my mind on this case. Oh, and my income. And she can't be bothered to respond to me half the time, but when she needs me at midnight on a Saturday I'd better fuckin be available to her.

5) My puppy's breeder won't give me a refund for his purchase price, even though he's going to cost me about $4000 to get healthy. She said if I put him down she'll give me a new puppy for free. FANTASTIC. She knows just what I wanted!

6) My boyfriend is transferring bases in a year and a half, and that puts a lot of pressure on us to figure things out sooner than we would otherwise, and he's being a bit too relaxed for my tastes about this all. I don't think he gets how serious this is. I can't just move across the country (or world) without a job, or some kind of income, or some kind of plan so that he's not supporting me, my two dogs, and my two horses on his current single officer's income. "We'll figure it out," doesn't seem reasonable to me when I'll need to take another bar exam and find a job in this economy. Plus, who will hire a military wife that they know will only be there for 2-3 years? Oh right, no one. And opening up my own shop somewhere else means building up a client base. But not everywhere is supportive of sole practioners' offices. Particularly big towns. Like LA. Where he wants to go.

I hate this day.

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