Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Conversations with Matthew

Texts from Matthew today:

"I had a 'shit just got real' moment at lunch. I went to a bookstore during lunch and was looking at baby books :) And looking at everything was just like wow you are really having a baby and what a big thing it is. And I'm gonna be there every step of the way with you, but it's definitely gonna take a big toll on your body, and so getting you through it safe and sound is my biggest concern. . .Well I've got to start getting prepared so I can know how to be good to you :-)"

I deem further commentary on Matthew's amazingness uneccessary.


  1. What a total sweetheart!!!!!! You deserve this kind of love. You always have. It is kind of silly but I feel delighted to know that I helped you two (you and Kira) meet at the exact right time in both your lives. Know that I will be here for you during this entire journey! You can be a bitch to me and I won't mind;)

  2. Just remember that every pregnancy is different - maybe you'll be all sunshine and roses? ;)

