Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Fertility & Sterility [April 2001, 75:4, pp. 656-660] reported a study that compared IUI and ICI in fertile single women. Interestingly they conclude that two are better than one. A single ICI had 5 percent success; double was 9 percent. A single IUI had 14 percent success; double 15 percent.


  1. So if we do ICI 3 times does that give us a 15% chance?

    I'm not opposed to an IUI, but we have to find a doctor willing to work with a surrogate *rolling eyes at douchbaggery*

  2. well a second IUI only ups the chance by 1%. most things i'm seeing say it really depends on 1) whether it gets up in thurrr and 2) your natural fertility - which for my age range is 20-25%. . .so within 5 cycles i should be preggo. but i am so hoping for this weekend! i keep wanting to protectively hold my tummy. . .
