Thursday, February 24, 2011

Sick or Pregnant?

So I've started playing a game I like to call "Sick or Pregnant?" We did inseminations Friday and Saturday, and I probably ovulated Sunday or Monday, so the chances of us/them/me being pregnant are slim, but the past few days I've been super tired and starving. And craving chocolate. Like a 3-day long chocolate craving. Yesterday I took a 4 hour nap, woke up for maybe 4 hours, and went back to bed. So every time I want chocolate, or am starving beyond the usual, or need a nap, or feel too tired to horseback ride, I wonder. . .

I know it's too early for symptoms -- it usually takes a week after implantation to feel anything. But still, my mind is wandering.

I vetoed the hot tub this weekend, after reading that hot tubs pull your blood to your skin away from your organs which can prevent getting pregnant, but I worked out today. Seems kind of silly to switch to CrossFit Mom already when maybe maybe maybe implantation has taken place, but probably not.

Going to start testing tomorrow. Early, I know, but I'm crazy.


  1. I think Hasbro should definitely pick up this game... Do you think it would be a card game or a board game? ;)

    I don't think the chances are THAT bad. I have a friend who between intercourse and ovulation was EIGHT days and she has the most adorable little boy from that.

    What if you take a test tomorrow and it's positive? Between that and the concert, BEST DAY EVER!

    Of course if it does turn out to have been nothing, there is always next month and hopefully our schedules will sync up better for closer timing. But my friend L who is into holistic/alternative medicine said she thinks it's going to happen and that she thinks it's going to be a girl. *Excited squee*

  2. So if it's a girl, I keep it, right? ;-)

  3. Those symptoms sound exactly like how you felt last time! I remember you taking epic naps in the middle of the day:) I am keeping my fingers crossed!

  4. Rachel - pretty sure gender preference never made it into the contract. That's why we didn't let Scott draft the thing lol. (As it was he did end up doing the skim-and-sign thing and the only thing he commented on was "I love that we have CrossFit mentioned in our surrogacy contract" He's a bit of a dork)

    Eliza - You're post gives me hope!
